
The sliding door is the direction of movement of the door and the direction of the person passing through the automatic door is vertical. This way of opening is more convenient, people will not be affected by the door by the door interference. Its weakness is the width of the passage will be limited, can not fully use the space.

The swing door is the direction of the door and the direction of movement is consistent. This open way to facilitate people to pass, can fully use the width of the passage, and easy to install. The weakness of the door is only one-way open, although the width of the passage will not be limited, but the interference of space is much larger than the sliding door, but also need to pay attention to the door when the door is open to the safety of people.







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According to the actual situation, from the width of the door, space constraints, environmental analysis and other aspects, to determine which way to open more suitable.


Difference of automatic swing door and sliding door

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For different types of automatic doors, the opening way it is naturally different. According to the needs of different places, select the appropriate automatic door open mode. In daily life, the automatic sliding door and swing door is common use.

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