
  Handwave sensor switch panel operation:

Small Touchless Switch For Special Room



[1] On standby mode, “vacant” indicator on outer panel lights, “UNLOCK” indicator on the inner panel is on.

[2] Wave hands to the door open button on the outer panel, and the automatic door open. At the same time, there is a voice prompt "door is opening". 

[3] After entering the room, wave hands to the door close button, the door automatically close and lock. At the same time, there will be a voice prompt "door is closing". If the door is not closed for more than five seconds, there will be a voice prompt "please lock the door".

[4] After the door is locked, the “OCCUPIED” indicator light on the outer panel is on, and the “LOCKED” indicator light on the inner panel is on. At this time, if someone wave hand and sensing the door open or close button on the outer panel, it will issue a “OCCUPIED” voice prompt and the door will not be opened. 

[5] When the user inside has finished using it, wave hand and sense the door open button, the door will open automatically and there will be a voice prompt “DOOR IS OPENING”. 
[6] When the users come out, the automatic door will be closed automatically according to the setting time of the dial switch or wave hands to door close button. The automatic door will be closed immediately. At the same time, there will be a voice prompt "door is closing" and return to the standby mode.

Equipped with different text, braille, voice, lights and other instructions, more simple and convenient to use. For the color, with white, gold, black color options.

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The M-538 series is a type of special room switch for various privacy occasions and rooms, such as infant rooms, nursing rooms, toilets, disabled rooms, dressing room, operating room and so on. In order to reduce the contact and pollution of different groups of people in public places, the switch is divided into pressing style and non-contact induction style.

This series of products consists of internal and external dual panels, suitable for use in physiotherapy rooms, maternity rooms, toilets, offices and other special rooms, airports, subways, stations, hospitals, large shopping malls and other automatic doors that need to be locked.

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ADA touchless switch